
Can't say that there was anything tragic or drastic that triggered these thoughts and reflections that I currently have. Maybe there's something about it being the end of the year and finally having a bit of quiet space away from work and school. At the same time it's been AWHILE since I've done any "real" … Continue reading Atelophobia

Holy pizza…cookie…ice cream???

For the next two weeks, I'll be traveling around the northwester area of the United States - why? Just because. Seeing different areas of the country I live in.  Tonight, I'm in Chicago. The Windy City. Home of the Chicago pizza. So, when in Chicago, do what the Chicagoans (???) do? Eat the real life, … Continue reading Holy pizza…cookie…ice cream???

“…but I’m not ‘skinny’ and ‘sick’ enough!”

People can have an eating disorder and not be stick thin! What?! #truth Throughout the course of "eating disorder history", being "skin and bones" has somehow become the image and definition of what many in society view as an eating disorder. Sadly, because of this, there are a lot of people out there who are … Continue reading “…but I’m not ‘skinny’ and ‘sick’ enough!”

Who decides when ENOUGH is “ENOUGH”?!

We live in a society where the feeling of "enough" has lost all connotation. There's never ENOUGH time in the day. There's never ENOUGH money. There's never ENOUGH of a good thing. We can never own ENOUGH shoes, clothing, purses... When applied to materialistic items, we're merely expressing our WANTS, and not necessarily our NEEDS. … Continue reading Who decides when ENOUGH is “ENOUGH”?!

Labels, Identity, the Fear of Letting Go.

There seems to be a hierarchy in the world of eating disorders. For some reason, Anorexia Nervosa seems to be the "coveted" ED that people with eating disorders strive towards. Maybe restricting is seen as "self composed", while bingeing and/or purging is more "out of control"? Perhaps Anorexia has the desired results that most with … Continue reading Labels, Identity, the Fear of Letting Go.

Explosion versus Implosion – which does more harm?

I was born an introvert. I like spending time with others, but need my daily alone time. When I'm around others who are high energy, excitable, edgy, impatient and/or intense my whole body tenses up and I start chewing on the inside of my cheeks - granted, I do this out of habit as well, … Continue reading Explosion versus Implosion – which does more harm?